Monday, 8 August 2011

Djia 2011

The method I use to forecast swing points and trends is the most accurate and powerful I’ve discovered in 30 years of trading. It is also by far the simplest, requiring little more than junior high school math to do the necessary calculations. I first learned about this amazingly precise method of analysis from a floor trader on the Pacific Stock Exchange named Ira Tunik. At the time, Ira was using the cycles work of J.M. Hurst, a pioneer in the field of technical analysis, to make a very good living on the options floor.
Over the next year-and-a-half, Ira delved exhaustively into the world of trading systems, reading every book he could find on Elliott Wave Theory, Gann Angles, Pyrapoint, Fibonaccis, oscillators, stochastics — even astrology. The system he finally settled on was called Lindsay’s Trident. But for reasons explained below, it took us both several more years and many modifications to tweak the system into its present, very powerful form. For starters, we discarded the core principle of Charles Lindsay’s trend-following system, substituting some stunningly effective corollaries that Lindsay himself evidently had failed to recognize. The result was a rules-based system that, combined with a little street-sense, can outperform some of the most powerful black box systems ever devised

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